Noëmi, a Rotterdam-based interdisciplinary artist, vocalist, and writer, graduated from AKV St. Joost Fine Arts in 2021.
Her creative repertoire spans various mediums, including sculpture, song, poetry, and textiles.
Known for constructing delicate pieces that evoke a sea of emotions, her work delves into themes of longing, healing, connection, and the complexities of human relationships.

Fusing elements of neo-romanticism and hyper-pop, her art is characterized by its dreamlike, ethereal quality, always imbued with emotional depth and wonder.
Noëmi's exploration of interpersonal relationships, attachment styles, and the healing process from psychosomatic pain is both introspective and universal.

Drawing inspiration from popular culture, through the role of observer and as an participant, she infuses her work with contemporary influences, including lyrics and social media, as well as memes and societal trends. Noëmi's engagement with sociology enriches her creative process, offering insights into the intricacies of human connection and love.

In addition to her visual art, Noëmi is a prolific songwriter, lyricist, and storyteller, reflecting on culture and societal phenomena through her work. Whether crafting melodies or penning reflective prose, she seeks to unravel the mysteries of existence and explore the pursuit of a meaningful life in the modern age.

read the substack for poetry, analysations and reflections

c.v. noëmi hofstede

Gevonden Voorwerpen 7x13A, Groupexhibition, Dordrecht
Subsidie Culturele Initiatieven, gemeente Dordrecht
Coach Woordenkots - begeleiding vormgeving publicatie

RaRaRadio, Online radio performance  (1:13:44 & 1:30:54)
SEXYLAND - Groupexhibition and art sale by lit­tlebigx­doll­house 
SOLAR HAPPY HOUR, streaming exhibition “To sing like a Firefly”
DE LOODS, Breda - Vocal performance curated by Maja Bolier
“When Grey Turn Purple” - poetry performance at SKEK, Amsterdam
Doelensteyn Open Ateliers, Dordrecht
Subsidie Kunstenaar Start, gemeente Dordrecht
Kunstkerk Dordrecht - streak experimental performances based on improv, the collective and audio-visual input

Black Dots and Fire Bugs, Coudewater - audio-visual live performance, residency
Electronic music, Willem Twee Studio’s Den Bosch - Course, groupexhibition
Gamechanger CARADT, KunstenLab Deventer - Vocal performance
Kunst en Technologie, TO BE Dordrecht - werkgroep programmering kunst en technologie jeugd en jongerern
Cultuurnacht Dordrecht, Energiehuis - groepsexpositie video-installatie, workshopleider
Impact ondernemen, Future Proof Eindhoven
Gastdocent Woordenkots, Area 51 Eindhoven

Release Single, Dreaming - NO JIM

Amsterdamse Popprijs - NO JIM

Bachelor Autonome Beeldende Kunst, AKV St. Joost Breda
“Still Motion” - groupexhibition
Koortsdroom ‘the choir as residence’ - Residence, Dordrecht
workshop reeks: schrijven en herschrijven, collage technieken en koorzang (compositie)
KERSVERS, Tekengenootschap Pictura, Dordrecht - workperiod, groupexhibition: video-installation, open stage
Culture Hub, Rotterdam _nee_nee_no_no_ - solo-performance
Kersvers Collectief, DOOR Dordrecht - open stage for art and poetry
Vurige tongen, Ruigoord - collective writingworkshop ‘De vogels zaten te kwetteren in de dakgoot”

Leadsinger, songwriter NO JIM (indieband)

TAC2GO, TAC Eindhoven - spoken word improvisation
De zwarte plak, RARARADIO Eindhoven- experimental spoken word
Onuitgesproken, Eindhoven - experimental spoken word 

Erasmus Exchange KMD, Bergen - Noorwegen - fine arts, performance and new media
Cirkus in Situ 7, Bergen (NO) - sound installation
EP “Telescoping out of here”

Ongezine, Vormgever
Weerwoord, Creative Producent

De steen des Aanstoots; De LijnCirkel (Prohodie’atie) TIJD x ROOTS DEBUT - poëzie theater, performer
‘De Manifestatie’, Breda - groupexhibition

TIME, a collective experimental dance and spoken word performance, performed in Dynamo, Eindhoven.